Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Benefits

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Training is a treatment that is given for stopping relapse in addictive disorders. This treatment mixes mindfulness meditation with usual relapse prevention practices, which are based on various cognitive-behavioural therapies. Mindfulness-based relapse prevention training is based on the values of self-compassion and receipt of all experiences, including longings and urges. The highest difference between a mindfulness method and a traditional approach appears to be found in the idea of acceptance:

Mindfulness-based relapse prevention techniques

Mindfulness-based relapse prevention training can also help those who are stressed with drug and alcohol habits to find lasting recovery.  Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention is a program developed that offers hope even for addictions with the recovery rates for opiate and cocaine addiction. This is modelled after the mindfulness-based cognitive treatment for depression and other mindfulness-based stress reduction, Mindfulness-based relapse prevention training tackles the roots of addictive behaviour by directing two of the main predictors of relapse like negative emotions and other cravings.  Many Rehabilitation Programs, Treatment Centres, and Military Centres across the country have also implemented the program. There is reason to believe that these aids can be seen on the neurological level, as studies have shown that mindfulness training affects parts of the brain associated with craving, and relapse.

Identification of risk situations remains dominant in the treatment. Participants are trained to identify early warning signs for relapse, raise awareness of internal causes like emotional and cognitive behaviour and external causes like situational behaviours which prompts formerly associated with substance use, grow effective coping skills, and improve self-efficacy. Mindfulness practices that are included in MBRP are planned to raise awareness of triggers, screen internal reactions, and substitute more skillful behavioural choices. The practices emphasize increasing acceptance and broad-mindedness of positive, physical, emotional, and cognitive conditions, such as craving, thereby lessening the need to alleviate related discomfort by being attractive to substance use.


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